Patrons with Special Needs

Patrons with Special Needs

Everything you need to know for our valued guests

The Santa Barbara Symphony provides ADA seating to patrons who request it. Please review the following FAQ for information regarding how we can best accommodate your needs.

If you have additional questions, please call 805-898-9386 or email us at [email protected]

Can accessible seating be purchased online?

Yes, they can! Seats online for our ADA section are marked with a wheelchair symbol for a removable seat or with a star for an irremovable Companion seat. We also have the ADA seats marked on seating charts.

What does ADA mean?

ADA is short for the Americans with Disabilities Act. Providing equal opportunity to people with disabilities is the fundamental principle of the ADA. For us, it focuses on having accommodating and accessible seats in the auditorium, as well as providing equal access to purchasing tickets.

What is an ADA seat?

“Accessible seats are spaces specifically designed for wheelchairs and include features such as an accessible approach, location at grade, clear floor space, and larger dimensions.”

Who qualifies for an ADA seat?

“People who use wheelchairs, those who use other mobility devices, and people who cannot climb steps or walk long distances because of significant arthritis or severe respiratory, circulatory, or cardiac conditions. [Also] individuals who, because of their disability, cannot sit in a straight-back chair or those whose service dogs cannot fit under a non-accessible seat or lie safely in the aisle are also permitted to purchase accessible seats.” We also offer use of the ADA seats to people with visual or hearing needs.

What about hearing disabilities?

For those who are hard of hearing, we are on the Loop system and we offer free listening devices in the lobby too.

Can my companions sit with me in ADA seating?

Patrons with ADA needs are allowed to bring up to 3 Companions (4 tickets total) who may not have any ADA needs of their own but are permitted to sit in the ADA section.

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