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Santa Barbara Symphony Music Van Virtual Program

Introducing the instruments of The Symphony to students at an early age, the award-winning Music Van program visits over 40 schools in the greater Santa Barbara area each year.

The Symphony Music Van Program:
Book Your 3rd Grade Classroom Visit Today!

Introducing the instruments of The Symphony to students at an early age, the award-winning Music Van program visits over 40 schools in the greater Santa Barbara area each year. This unique program gives 3rd grade students a hands-on experience that sparks interest in taking up an instrument. This FREE program is made possible by Symphony donors.  Our Music Van Video produced during COVID is also available to any school and classroom free of charge.

Music Van students:

  • Learn about each of the instruments that make up a symphony orchestra
  • Watch how each instrument is played and hear its sound
  • Learn how to produce a sound on each instrument
  • Get inspired to play an instrument!

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