Michelle Richardson

Board Officers, Secretary

Michelle Richardson has been a Santa Barbara resident for over 40 years.  After graduating from UCSB with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a master’s degree in Confluent Education & Organizational Leadership, Michelle worked in senior finance and information systems positions at industrial design and engineering firms.  She is currently a SVP at Montecito Bank & Trust, working in the Marketing Department where she leads new product and system implementations.   

Michelle is the current Board Secretary of the Santa Barbara Symphony Board of Directors and has chaired both the Governance and Audit Committees.  She previously served as Board President for Angels Foster Care, and CFO for Friends of the SBHS Visual Arts & Design Academy.  In addition to fund raising for the San Marcos Jazz Band, Michelle served on the volunteer review board for the SB United Way, and was a member of the Peabody Charter School Site Council.  In addition to her love of symphonic music, Michelle enjoys cooking, hiking, and performing music with her husband Geoff, son Colin, and daughter Nicol. 

Michelle Richardson
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