Mashey Bernstein

Board of Directors, Member

Mashey Bernstein

Degree: Ph.D. American Literature UCSB 1978

Recent Employment:

1990-2015: University of California: Writing Program: Lecturer. Retired

1990-2010: Los Angeles Hebrew High School Retired

Committee and Social Involvement:

2015-2020: Co-Chair: Santa Barbara Jewish Film Festival

1995-2015: Outrageous: Santa Barbara Lesbian and Gay Film Festival

2015– : Santa Barbara Symphony Board

1995– : Mesa Synagogue Board

2000– : Music Academy of the West. Subcommittee

2000– : Short Story Discussion Group. Facilitator


  • UCSB: Scholarship to UCSB Library for Undergraduate Research
  • UCSB:  Scholarship to Writing Lines for Best Student Essay
  • University of Haifa, Israil: Scholarship in Graduate Social Studies
  • Norman Mailer Society: Sponsorship for Guest Speaker at Annual Conference
  • Donations to Mesa Synagogue, Music Academy, Santa Barbara Symphony and many smaller local organizations
Mashey Bernstien HS
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